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About Me

Monica Monfre is a six-figure business strategist who teaches service based entrepreneurs how to design their six figure offers, dazzle their audience on social media, and deliver results on repeat. She’s helped hundreds of women including teachers, business coaches, social media strategists, and mompreneurs launch their businesses and grow their followings on social media. Her work has been featured on Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, Luminary, The Financial Gym, and Girlboss as well as on numerous podcasts including Cathy Heller’s “Don't’ Keep Your Day Job” and Kemberli Stephens “Spark Hustle Flow.”

A graduate of Teachers College Columbia University and The George Washington University, Monica holds two master's degrees in education and curriculum. She currently teaches high school literature in Brooklyn, NY while running her six-figure coaching business and advocating around breast and ovarian cancer research.

Apply to work with Monica here.


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