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Find Your First Coaching Client Today

business Oct 04, 2021

Be sure to come follow me on Instagram @monicamonfre for more business coaching tips.

Ready to land your first coaching clients but not quite sure what to post or where to find them?

I get it. I remember when I signed up for both of my coaching programs. The enrollment specialist said “Don’t worry. We will teach you how to find a client or 3 right away and you can pay off your enrollment while in the program.”

So I said yes to the the program. I thought getting clients would be easy peasy.

While that wasn’t total lies, the program wasn’t a sales program, it was a coaching program. I left still not sure how to FIND and SELL to clients.

But this doesn’t have to be you. Here are 3 ways to find your next client. Ready?

🎥 Go live on your social channels.

I don’t care if it is IG, FB, Linked In, Clubhouse...GO LIVE!
Talk about what you know/believe/transform and then have a clear call to action at the end. Watch my IGTV on offers for an example that worked!
🎤 Listen to what your audience (no matter the size) is saying. That means engaging with them on social media platforms.
What are they asking about?
What are they posting about?
What are they talking about?
Create the solution to the problem they have.

👥 Network with purpose and community in mind.

Join communities like The Advance or Luminary and share what you do and who you serve.
Reach out to have virtual (or real) coffee to connect and see how you can serve others.
Collaborate with business owners in adjacent spaces (i.e. copy writer and social media).
When you grow your network, you grow your net worth.
Looking for a FB group that does this? Join Wellthy Woman Entrepreneurs on FB today!

You don’t need the certification to land your first client but you do need strategy and support.

Imagine a container where you can lean on your intuition to design an offer that is aligned with you and takes your income go from inconsistent to consistent. 

Imagine feeling confident in your offer and in how you show up on social media and for your audience.

Imagine knowing that results are easily replicable without the constant hustle.

Well, I’ve got you…You can shorten the learning curve and quickly find your first (or next) client by following my signature framework for designing your next $100K. I teach the exact steps in my 1:1 and group container, $100K By Design. 

Apply to work with me below – and then start talking to your audience! The steps above can be done whether you have an idea to sell or simply a desire to get started! 

Looking for more support in your social media or coaching business? Grab her FREE 3 day Instagram training here.

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