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How to Find a Summit or Bundle to Grow Your Email List

Have you been wondering how to grow an email list organically without ads?

Tired of wondering what is worth spending time (and money) on when it comes to emails?

I hear you. In fact, I was you.

Struggling to grow my list and wondering why it is so easy for others.

However, recently I was able to grow my list by 1000 people and I cannot wait to share how with you.

Join a summit or bundle to grow your email list organically. 

Being a part of a summit or bundle is one of the top ways I’ve grown my list quickly. How? Being in a summit or a bundle gets you in front of other people's audiences to quickly grow your email list. 

These events are often invite-only or found through word-of-mouth especially email and in Facebook groups (come on over to the Make Caviar FB group and get connected to other business coaches and consultants).


 So how do you get placed in summits and bundles?

Here are the 3 steps that work for my Make Caviar Lab Clients:


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Create a Thriving Yoga Business with These Three Steps

Congratulations! You completed your 200 hour yoga teacher training.

Now what?

When I finished my 200RYT in Brooklyn it was 2017 and I was ready to teach.

Problem was…I didn’t have a studio lined up to teach for OR clients to teach.

I got creative and used Eventbrite to offer free community classes at my local community garden.


While it didn’t bring in revenue right away, it did grow my email list and give me practice leading my flows.

If you are ready to start your yoga business I absolutely recommend starting off with some free classes.


I also recommend the following 3 steps to add reliable revenue as soon as you can. 

Here are three ways start making money as a yoga teacher (without a yoga studio or a long client list):

1. Offer private lessons:

You can offer one-on-one yoga sessions to clients who are interested in more personalized instruction. There are some online programs that can help but you could also look at online community groups...

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Four Ways to Monetize Social Media (even with a small following)

Monetization on social media is a hot topic...but what happens when you don't have the tools yet?

Until September of 2021 I didn't have any of the monetization tools on Instagram.

The frustration ran high until the magical day I hit 10K. Link stick came, but it just wasn't the same as the swipe up.

And I was still waiting for Instagram reels monetization, Instagram live monetization, and more.

I now have those tools but this morning I woke up thinking:  How could I have monetized on my own BEFORE Instagram let me? 

I came up with ways to work around the systems of social media that keep small accounts ready?

Set up a Buy Me a Coffee link. 

What it is: a link that allows people to fund you in increments of $5 or more.

I love Buy Me a Coffee because you can use it for one off events or for memberships.

You can also deliver digital products.

Buy Me a Coffee is a key way to work around the blocks with some social media monetization.

 Create a...

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Write an Instagram Bio That Makes You Money

Be sure to come follow me on Instagram @monicamonfre for more business coaching tips.

Five seconds.

That is the amount of time it takes a prospective follower and possible future client to read your instagram bio, and sometimes it can be as little as three seconds. That’s how long you have to get their attention, and tell them why they should follow you.

In addition, you only have 150 characters to convey *this information* to the reader.  That means you need to be crystal clear in your bio description.

Your Instagram bio isn’t about you

Contrary to popular belief, your instagram bio isn’t about you. Unlike other types of bios where you are showing your expertise and credentials, and building a measure of authority, your instagram bio is not for that.

It isn’t the place to write about your certifications, your degrees or even your success as a coach. Instead, your bio is for your followers and what they can expect from your account....

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Be sure to come follow me on Instagram @monicamonfre for more business coaching tips.

I dreaded networking events for the LONGEST time.

Answering the question "who are you" with a timid voice.

"I am a teacher," as I looked away. Here I was in a co-working space filled with women changing the landscape and I was in my 12th year of teaching high school in Brooklyn, NY.

I was embarrassed (or maybe just had imposter syndrome).

The CEO would have none of it. "You are A TEACHER. My parents are teachers. Teachers hold the most important job. You belong here."

And in that moment I realized...she was right. I am a teacher, but I am so more than that.

I teach yoga all over NYC and teach at corporate locations including Athleta, Adidas, and Artists & Fleas.

I am double certified health and life coach. 

I belonged there. I was a teacherpreneur.

Ready to learn more about how you can design your business and sell it out?

Join for free coaching Tuesdays below.


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