Problem was…I didn’t have a studio lined up to teach for OR clients to teach.
I got creative and used Eventbrite to offer free community classes at my local community garden.
While it didn’t bring in revenue right away, it did grow my email list and give me practice leading my flows.
If you are ready to start your yoga business I absolutely recommend starting off with some free classes.
I also recommend the following 3 steps to add reliable revenue as soon as you can.
You can offer one-on-one yoga sessions to clients who are interested in more personalized instruction. There are some online programs that can help but you could also look at online community groups...
Until September of 2021 I didn't have any of the monetization tools on Instagram.
The frustration ran high until the magical day I hit 10K. Link stick came, but it just wasn't the same as the swipe up.
And I was still waiting for Instagram reels monetization, Instagram live monetization, and more.
I now have those tools but this morning I woke up thinking: How could I have monetized on my own BEFORE Instagram let me?
I came up with ways to work around the systems of social media that keep small accounts ready?
What it is: a link that allows people to fund you in increments of $5 or more.
I love Buy Me a Coffee because you can use it for one off events or for memberships.
You can also deliver digital products.
Buy Me a Coffee is a key way to work around the blocks with some social media monetization.
OH YEAH!!!!!
When I get this message from PayPal I do a little dance and sing a little song. Why?
That's why I'm sharing how I started with affiliate marketing, and how you can become an affiliate marketer as well.
What is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is when you as an affiliate earn a commission or a percentage of sales of a product. As an affiliate, you become an integral part of the marketing plan for a company.
How much does affiliate marketing pay?
This varies. Sometimes people make percentages (I offer 50% of any course sale to my affiliates; you can sign up here), sometimes it is a flat fee, and sometimes it is a free product or membership.
So how do you become an affiliate for a company or brand?
1. Ask. I have found that when I love a product I want to share it. So I have asked before if a program had an affiliate or referral program. One of my...
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