Or maybe you are happy with your leads right now but also ready to think about new ways to grow your audience and your leads?
Oftentimes, when I’m speaking with clients they are looking to work with people like themselves. So my teacherpreneur clients are looking for other teachers, my business coaches are looking for other coaches, etc.
This can be one of the key reasons why they don’t sign clients as quickly as they should.
I thought for sure it would be an easy yes for teachers because after all, I was just like them. So I showed up where teachers showed up…and instead of hearing an easy yes, I found resistance.
My potential clients had the same hang ups that I was working through in my own coaching. They were nervous around investing in themselves and were...
Until September of 2021 I didn't have any of the monetization tools on Instagram.
The frustration ran high until the magical day I hit 10K. Link stick came, but it just wasn't the same as the swipe up.
And I was still waiting for Instagram reels monetization, Instagram live monetization, and more.
I now have those tools but this morning I woke up thinking: How could I have monetized on my own BEFORE Instagram let me?
I came up with ways to work around the systems of social media that keep small accounts down...you ready?
What it is: a link that allows people to fund you in increments of $5 or more.
I love Buy Me a Coffee because you can use it for one off events or for memberships.
You can also deliver digital products.
Buy Me a Coffee is a key way to work around the blocks with some social media monetization.
Be sure to come follow me on Instagram @monicamonfre for more business coaching tips.
That is the amount of time it takes a prospective follower and possible future client to read your instagram bio, and sometimes it can be as little as three seconds. That’s how long you have to get their attention, and tell them why they should follow you.
In addition, you only have 150 characters to convey *this information* to the reader. That means you need to be crystal clear in your bio description.
Contrary to popular belief, your instagram bio isn’t about you. Unlike other types of bios where you are showing your expertise and credentials, and building a measure of authority, your instagram bio is not for that.
It isn’t the place to write about your certifications, your degrees or even your success as a coach. Instead, your bio is for your followers and what they can expect from your account....
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