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I dreaded networking events for the LONGEST time.

Answering the question "who are you" with a timid voice.

"I am a teacher," as I looked away. Here I was in a co-working space filled with women changing the landscape and I was in my 12th year of teaching high school in Brooklyn, NY.

I was embarrassed (or maybe just had imposter syndrome).

The CEO would have none of it. "You are A TEACHER. My parents are teachers. Teachers hold the most important job. You belong here."

And in that moment I realized...she was right. I am a teacher, but I am so more than that.

I teach yoga all over NYC and teach at corporate locations including Athleta, Adidas, and Artists & Fleas.

I am double certified health and life coach. 

I belonged there. I was a teacherpreneur.

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From that moment on I stopped saying I am just a teacher.

I started saying I am a life coach for educators..

I am a business coach who helps educators launch their side hustles and I teach high school as well.

I stepped into my worthiness at that moment.

Maybe you are like I was. Shying away from sharing you are a teacher. Avoiding spaces where teachers are patronized or looked down at.

 But it's time to claim your entrepreneur status.

If I can launch a side hustle with no money and no real email list, then so can you. Here are 3 ways to start today:

1. Decide what sets your soul on fire and then consider how you can create a business around it. Originally I thought teaching yoga set my soul on fire. But I soon realized I like coaching women, especially teachers, on business. This led me to create the following: a monthly membership, group programs, and a business coaching for 1:1 clients. I've created and sold out workshops on vision boarding, self-help for teachers, funding your classroom for free and courses on teacher wellness. Since April of 2020 I have generated over $75K in my business (and I'm still teaching full time!).

2. Find the people that support you; lean on them for accountability, referrals, and feedback. When you find the people that support you, that challenge you, that have your back, you will be start to create and have success. That's why I created The Wellthy Women Entrepreneur Collective, a Facebook group of almost 2000 entrepreneurs and many are teachers. 

3. Invest in a coach/a program/a training, but also know that you have the tools in you to get started. I wanted to start my business years ago, but I was too scared. I thought because I didn't have a business degree I wasn't an entrepreneur. I figured I needed another course, another training, another coach. I was paralyzed and a "perfectionist" which is not something to be proud of. Instead, find a coach or a program that you resonate with. Take messy action. Know that as a teacher you are a born leader. You got this. 

Whatever you decide to do - join the FB group, join a coaching program, or hire a coach (book your complimentary 30 minute call here) -you are ready to start your side hustle. I know you can do it because I have done it and I am here to support you.

Remember, you are a teacher. You are also an entrepreneur, an advocate, a coach, a leader, a force of change.

You are amazing and I appreciate you.





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