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Write an Instagram Bio That Makes You Money

Be sure to come follow me on Instagram @monicamonfre for more business coaching tips.

Five seconds.

That is the amount of time it takes a prospective follower and possible future client to read your instagram bio, and sometimes it can be as little as three seconds. That’s how long you have to get their attention, and tell them why they should follow you.

In addition, you only have 150 characters to convey *this information* to the reader.  That means you need to be crystal clear in your bio description.

Your Instagram bio isn’t about you

Contrary to popular belief, your instagram bio isn’t about you. Unlike other types of bios where you are showing your expertise and credentials, and building a measure of authority, your instagram bio is not for that.

It isn’t the place to write about your certifications, your degrees or even your success as a coach. Instead, your bio is for your followers and what they can expect from your account. It’s about the value, knowledge and inspiration that they will walk away with every time they see your post pop up in their feed.

It is in your posts and your content where you show more of who you are, your values, and your expertise. Your bio needs to be short, sweet and clear. It needs to peak the reader’s curiosity and encourage them to follow you and learn more about you.

Here are 3 tips to get crystal clear in less than 3 seconds. 

1️⃣: Who are you? In the name section, use an SEO friendly title - thinking about what someone would be searching for if they were looking to work with you. Be clear. This is one of two searchable sections of your bio so capitalize on it! 


2️⃣: What do you do? Many service providers use an “I help” statement to describe what they do and what type of clients they serve. But in a sea of over one million users, you want to get a reader’s attention and this isn’t going to cut it. So ditch your “I help” statement and instead focus on the desired change that your clients can achieve while working with you. This can be in the form of a question, or a statement of the transformation, and can lead to a HELL YES; and a new follower.

3️⃣: What next? What do you want someone who reads your bio to do next? Click on the link to receive your free gift (that’s action packed with valuable content)? Check out your latest offer - the program that will transform their life or business? Use a super clear call to action and a 👇🏻 or ⬇️ to visually remind your dream follower to click your link!

Use this small but powerful piece of real estate on your instagram profile to speak directly to your dream client, and invite them along for the ride!

And if you want a deeper dive into how to optimize your instagram bio to attract your dream follower, and build an audience that raves about you, sign up for the FREE 3 day Instagram training here

From bio to hashtags to captions that convert, this training is absolutely gold!

Looking for more support in your social media or coaching business? Book a complimentary call with Monica today!



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